A Small Dance in Black and White – 70th Anniversary Fundraiser and Party
Event on 2016-10-01 18:30:00
Friends and family will tell you that I treat the anniversary of my birth as any other day. This year is different. It is a milestone that many have not reached and I decided to celebrate by giving. I have two very favorite charities – ShelterBoxUSA.org and Kiva.org. See information below. Celebration in Black and White (Pun intended) is a throwback to another time in my life in Pittsburgh when I use to give massive parties. In this theme you are to dress in black and white. Come in your finest and best. You never know what may come into your bubble on this celebration evening. This event will allow us to have some fun, eat, celebrate and give to two worthy causes. A large portion of your event investment may be tax deductible. Check with your accountant for verification. I will be matching the first 00 in donations. So please buy lots of tickets and make me give up my money. Because the purpose is to raise funds for these worthy causes I have created several levels of participation. Level 1 – Party Hardy – – Enjoy the festivities, food and drink. Mingle and meet like minded people. Have fun. Connect. Level 2 – Party Hardy Supporter – I can't attend however here is a donation and list me as a contributor – You don't have to get dressed up and drive to the venue. Of course your will miss all the fabulous interactions, food, music and fun. However, I will take your money for a good cause and you can buy multiple tickets. Level 3 – Party Hardy Entrepreneur – – This includes 1 ticket + a business card ad in the program booklet. Level 4- Party Hardy Entrepreneur Plus – 5 – 2 tickets – 1/2 page advertisement in program booklet Level 5 – Purposeful Party Hardy Philanthropist – 0 – 4 tickets, full page advertisement in the program booklet, opportunity to speak for 2 minutes about your passion. (no politics or religion) Level 6 – Dedicated Party Hardy Philantropist – Open donation over 0 – Full page recognition in the program booklet, opportunity to speak for 4 minutes about your passion. (no politics or religion) ShelterBoxUSA.org Millions of families worldwide are affected every year by natural disasters and humanitarian crises. As an international disaster relief charity, ShelterBox specializes in emergency shelter provision. Much of this humanitarian aid is delivered in iconic green ShelterBoxes. Each box supplies an extended family with a tent and lifesaving equipment to use while they are displaced or homeless. The contents are tailored depending on the nature and location of the disaster, with great care taken sourcing every item to ensure it is robust enough to be of lasting value. Kiva.org Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 and based in San Francisco, with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. We celebrate and support people looking to create a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. By lending as little as on Kiva, anyone can help a borrower start or grow a business, go to school, access clean energy or realize their potential. For some, it’s a matter of survival, for others it’s the fuel for a life-long ambition. 100% of every dollar you lend on Kiva goes to funding loans. Kiva covers costs primarily through optional donations, as well as through support from grants and sponsors.
at Private Residence
4541 Larner Street
The Colony, United States